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TJ Norris @ Anka Gallery

New Work by TJ Norris

April 7 – 30, 2011
Reception: April 7, 6 -9 pm

“In a continuation of a series of abandoned signs that I started investigating in 2008, I’ve traveled through the Northwest, from British Columbia to Los Angeles, and back to New England, to capture something universal. These largely ignored, lonely structures are growing in number. What this says about economics and the downward spiral of advertising is a multi-tiered thing left to one’s imagination. I’ve been entranced by the subtle, formal qualities of these mysterious gutted outposts and their ominously intimate lost messages. A great sense of emptiness is categorized by their poker-faced, sitting-bull silent nature. The phrase ‘Silence = Death’ emerges more loudly than ever before.  We are left in the great in-between.”  – TJ Norris

Anka Gallery
325 NW 6th Ave
Portland, OR 97209


Location: Portland Type:

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