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Slideluck Potshow London IV

Deadline: April 8, 2012

Slideluck Potshow London IV will take place on Wednesday 25th April at 81 Leonard Street. The evening will consist of a potluck-style dinner followed by an eclectic programme of slideshows curated by Fiona Rogers (Magnum Photos; Firecracker) and Harry Hardie (HERE), bringing together members of the photography, art and media communities for an evening of eating, drinking and sharing work.

SLIDELUCK POTSHOW (SLPS) is an international non-profit arts organization that aims to build and strengthen community around photography and food. It functions as a platform for exposing photographers, curators, collectors, and editors to new work, in a creative non-commercial environment. Each event brings together members of local and international art and media communities for a feast of visual storytelling.

For this show, we are welcoming submissions on the theme of GENDER and IDENTITY, which can be explored from historical, cultural, social, psychological or emotional perspectives. We are expecting a vibrant and provocative selection that will consist of two parts, contrasting male and female interpretations of the subject and curated by Harry Hardie and Fiona Rogers respectively.


Location: England, London Type:

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