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Marseille seen by 100 photographers in the world @ Atelier de visu

© Timothy Nordhoff

© Timothy Nordhoff

Marseille seen by 100 photographers in the world
April 18 to July 20, 2013

For many years, photographers from around the world have crossed the Mediterranean city, artist residencies and exhibitions organized by the Workshop firsthand.

The images captured by a hundred of them and selected by photographer Antoine d’Agata, co-founder of the Workshop firsthand, original paint a portrait of the city consists of a plurality of unique looks.

Beyond the perceptual and multiple Marseille, all photos and gathered in this exhibition will also show the vitality, diversity, the creative force of artists who have chosen photography as a medium. Another way to show the aesthetic of the photographic field current.

This is the set of infinite combinations left to the imagination of the visitor, this exhibition invites us to look at how identity and difference, “Marseille welcomes the world” exhibition labeled Marseille-Provence 2013.

Atelier de visu 19 rue three kings 13006 Marseille

Open Tuesday to Saturday from 14h to 18h

tel: 04 91 47 60 07 www.atelierdevisu.fr


Location: France, Marseille Type:

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