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Michael McCarthy @ American University of Paris

Michael McCarthy: Les Temps de l’antique jeunesse
October 21 – December 15, 201

The exhibition Les Temps de l’antique jeunesse presents a series of photographs which remove the human element in an effort to better see nature in all its foreignness. This series of photos study nature from a point of view separate from the human scale as well as human preconceptions. Working with very primitive pinhole (or lens-less) cameras offers a means of capturing environments which, in spite of their proximity, remain largely unnoticed and unfamiliar to us. What is revealed is a vision one might qualify as “prehistoric:–not only in the sense where, visually, the scale of often monstrous of objects—pebbles, weeds) evoke forgotten eras, titanesque, mythic, but also in the sense where the world captured by the pinhole camera is devoid of any human presence: a world either from before or after the human.

American University of Paris
147 rue de Grenelle
75007 Paris

Location: France, Paris Type:

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