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Nate Larson and Marni Shindelman

unnamedNate Larson and Marni Shindelman: Geolocation: Tributes to the Data Stream
May 6 – 28

Reception: May 6, 6 – 9 PM

Nate Larson and Marni Shindelman use publicly available embedded GPS information in Twitter updates to track the locations of user posts and make photographs to mark the location in the real world. Each of these photographs is taken on the site of the update and paired with the originating text. Larson and Shindelman’s act of making a photograph anchors and memorializes the ephemeral online data in the real world and also probes the expectations of privacy surrounding social networks.

Filter Space
1821 West Hubbard St.
Suite 207

Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States Type:

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