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Conflitos: fotografia e violência política no Brasil 1889-1964 @ Instituto Moreira Salles

Conflitos: fotografia e violência política no Brasil 1889-1964
November 26, 2017 to February 25, 2018

“Conflitos contradicts the image of Brazil as a pacific country and offers a retrospective outlook on the history of the country, bringing up fundamental points for understanding the present political crisis. Some of the episodes covered are the Federalist Revolution (1893-1894), the Navy Revolt (1894-1895), the Canudos War (1896-1897), the Contestado War (1912-1916), the Coluna Miguel Costa-Prestes (1924-1927), the 1930 Revolution, people’s uprising at the occasion of Getúlio Vargas’s suicide as well as violent episodes that took place during the early days of the 1964 coup. The exhibition touches on the role of photographic images during those conflicts, their political use and means of circulation, presenting a wide-ranging historical panorama of the development of Brazilian documental photography at that time.”

Instituto Moreira Salles
Visitation IMS Rio: November 26, 2017 to February 25, 2018
Visitation IMS Paulista: May 8 to July 29, 2018

Location: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Type:

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