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Svetlana Bailey @ Filter Space

Svetlana Bailey: once there was there wasn’t
December 1 – 30

“Until the age of eight, Svetlana Bailey’s childhood summers were spent at her grandmother’s house in the Russian countryside. It was an influential period in which she discovered the world on her own and her earliest memories were formed. Sixteen years ago her grandmother passed away and now the house stands empty. For this body of work, once there was there wasn’t, Bailey returned to her grandmother’s empty house to examine those early impressions. Through this journey of returning, she was transported in time, as if opening a time capsule. Here Bailey discovered layers of image fragments captured in stories, old objects, images in albums and magazines. They pointed to the invisible marks, the impressions and mental images that remain, and perhaps for this reason— besides the dust, spider webs and the thicket of birch and cherry trees that had jungled the outside— the house did not seem abandoned.”

Filter Space
1821 W. Hubbard St.
Suite 207

Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States Type:

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