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World Pinhole Day Sunday April 30th 2017

Paolo Aldi – WPPD 2001

World Pinhole Day
Sunday April 30th 2017

Now in its 17th year, this free event encourages everyone to: find wonder in light and the world around us, wash away the consumerist ‘more focal lengths more fun’ mentality and discover the beauty and wonder of creating an image through a simple hole, a mere 2301 years after Aristotle said ‘WΩw, that’s CΩΩl’!

Last year 2599 people from 77 countries spent time on the last Sunday in April contemplating the world around them using the beauty and simplicity of a small hole.

Their favorite pinhole image taken on the day was loaded onto the gallery athttp://pinholeday.org/gallery/2016/ , joining the 37,741 images on the site from the previous 16 years’ events.  The only rule is that it’s taken on pinhole day with a lensless camera.

For more info and to find local events: http://pinholeday.org

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