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Ben Schonberger @ Filter Space

© Ben Schonberger

Ben Schonberger: Beautiful Pig
November 2 – December 1

Opening Reception: November 2 | 6 – 9 PM | RSVP
Artist Talk: November 15 | 6 PM

“While working in Detroit, I acquired a series of photographs from a retired former Detroit Police officer, Marty Gaynor, whom I began to interview weekly over the course of two years. Among his thousands of photographs were images that he had taken in the line of duty. By cataloging, arranging, and interpreting his work, I gave it the parameters of an archive. I arranged Marty’s images to create documents in the format of a grid. Each grid was presented to Marty as a canvas for him to transcribe a narration for his images. I infiltrated and paired the grids with images I had taken during my investigation and interaction with Marty. After organizing the images, I began to struggle with indexical notations the archive revealed when presented as unified work. I embarked on an image making process along-side Marty to see if I could understand the realities of identity, spirituality, and empathy”. – Ben Schonberger

Filter Space
1821 W. Hubbard St.
Suite 207

Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States Type:

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