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GERLINDE Miesenböck @ Gallery Reinthaler

GERLINDE Miesenböck: capita
19.9. to 3.11 .2018

Opening: Tuesday 18.9. 2018, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., in the presence of the artist

“Gerlinde Miesenböck, received numerous awards and residencies type will show in early autumn 2018 her fourth solo exhibition at the gallery Reinthaler. “Capita” ( “heads”) deals with the contemporary images issue in digital photography in the 21st century, especially. In the center is affiliated with the implications for the representation of the people dealing with relationships between the (re) presentation of persons and their hide, consequently also with a fuzzy region between figurative and the abstract. ”

Gallery Reinthaler
Gumpendorferstraße 53, 1060 Vienna

Location: Austria, Vienna Type:

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