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Ruben Terlou @ Noorderlicht photo gallery

Through the Heart of China

Ruben Terlou: Straight Through China – a photographic journey
21 July – 16 September, 2018

Opening Friday 20 July at 05.00 pm

“Terlou’s strength lies in his eye for everyday situations, which move, surprise and offer you a new view of a country in transition. With his photographs, he breaks through the clichéd image of China. He approaches the Chinese in a personal manner and is curious about what they think, feel and experience.”

Noorderlicht photo gallery, Groningen, NL

Location: Groningen, Netherlands Type:

One response to “Ruben Terlou @ Noorderlicht photo gallery”

  1. Cornelis Sjoerd Arendz, Izmir Turkije. says:

    Zojuist naar Ruben geluisterd in Kunststof. Mooie uitzending, vooral door zijn verteltrand.
    Veel succes met deze tentoonsteling in Groningen. De foto’ op social media zien er goed uit.

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