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Cara McLaughlin @ Artist Image Resource (AIR)

Cara Mclaughlin, works from the series, Language of the Female Wanderer

Cara McLaughlin: Language of the Female Wanderer
Apr 12 – 28

“McLaughlin’s work in this series focuses in on how the history of photography has been regarded as a predominately white male timeline. Throughout this history, a record of marginalized artists have been overwritten or eliminated. Women in particular were disregarded, while mainstream photographers such as Ansel Adams, Edward and Brett Weston, soared to recognition. McLaughlin’s work looks to recuperate and pay homage to the icons of the medium’s past, but with a female persona, rewriting these tropes in history.”

Artist Image Resource (AIR)
518 Foreland Street | Pittsburgh, PA

Location: Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, United States Type:

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