Dinesh Boaz: AT 1000 FEET @ Robin Rice Gallery
Dinesh Boaz: AT 1000 FEET
November 6 – January 5, 2020
“Flying well away from the world below, Boaz holds an eye in the sky. With it, he surveys terrain and develops concepts in real time as colors and textures flood into sight during each ride. Working under the throbbing sounds of the propellers overhead, Boaz directs the pilot over radio and creates spontaneous images of calm amidst chaos. In speaking of his method, he explains, “I seek out sound in my photos; I look to find those symbiotic patterns and fast-changing colors that play together in rhythm, similar to the layers that make up a beat.” Through this unique process, Boaz discovers a synesthetic harmony in each photograph just as he would if he was visualizing music on a track.”
Robin Rice Gallery
325 W 11TH ST NYC 10014
Location: New York, New York City, United States Type: Exhibition
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