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Micheal McLaughlin @ Robin Rice Gallery

Micheal McLaughlin: 41 Degrees Latitude
April 10 – June 12, 2019

“The 13 large format photographs featured in this new exhibition are tender oceanscapes that move beyond typical depictions of the sea. Photographed moments before dusk or dawn, out in the surf, the evanescent horizon line in each image creates an illusory sense of space. In “First Beach, Newport. July 2017”, the bluish-black of the ocean and the sky are indistinguishable as their colors blend into one muted noise. “The waves blur the horizon and produce a dark movement”, McLaughlin explains. The long exposures of the photographs find a vanishing point between form and void-like fleeting memories.”

Robin Rice Gallery
325 W 11TH ST NYC 10014

Location: New York, New York City, United States Type:

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