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Interior Life @ Filter Photo

© Dean Snodgrass

Interior Life
August 28 – October 3, 2020

reception on September 11th from 6 – 9 PM during the 2020 Filter Photo Festival

“The images we’ve selected speak to the theme of Interior Life in this current, complex moment. Long shadows on walls and light through windows hint at time’s passing. Time is central to the idea of presence; collectively, we have lost a sense of the days, weeks, and months. Collections of house plants and domestic animals draw our attention to the care given to people’s personal spaces. Whether they be green flowering life, or a beloved dog or cat, these companions remind us of the interconnectedness of life, and – most importantly – that we are not alone in this experience, no matter how isolated we may feel.” —Strange Fire Collective

Lois Bielefeld
Gary Blum
Tuan H. Bui
William Camargo
Jeanie Choi
Anastasia Davis
Annie Donovan
Jesse Egner
Arthur Fields
Nate Francis
Preston Gannaway
Brian Gee
Juan Giraldo
Conner Gordon
Olivia Alonso Gough
Mario El Khouri
Erica McKeehen
Darren Lee Miller
Deepanjan Mukhopadhyay
Jeremy Ng
Lingfei Ren
Rolls and Tubes Collective
Annick Sjobakken
Dean Snodgrass
Ursula Sokolowska
Liz Steketee
Wendy Stone
Sarah Sudhoff
Nicole White
Zoë Zimmerman

Filter Photo
1821 West Hubbard Street, Suite 207
Chicago, IL 60622

Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States Type:

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