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Predicting the Past: Zohar Studios, The Lost Years @ The Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco (online)

Stephen Berkman, Conjoined Twins, undated. Albumen print, 11x 14 in.

Predicting the Past: Zohar Studios, The Lost Years

Visit online: https://thecjm.org/learn_resources/537

“The exhibition, in the tradition of the artist-made museum a la David Wilson and the Museum of Jurassic Technology, is a tribute to Shimmel Zohar, a nineteenth-century Jewish immigrant and photographer who founded the enigmatic Zohar Studios in New York City. The images, featuring a wide range of dreamers, eccentrics, and malcontents, embellish upon the conventions of Victorian studio photography. They are really quite marvelous and strange.”

The Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco

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