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Craig Easton @ The Scottish Maritime Museum

© Craig Easton

Craig Easton: SIXTEEN
31st July – 30th August

“Photographer Craig Easton conceived this project following his engagement with sixteen year-old first-time voters in the 2014 Scottish independence referendum. This strand of a larger project comprises of a series of 15 portraits focussed on the Western Isles. The ensuing portraits and the sixteen-year-olds candid testimonies reveal whom and what they really care about, and as well as exploring landscape and language in the Scottish Islands, it also looks at how social background, gender, ethnicity, health, education, location etc. all influence what young people think they can achieve in life.”

The Scottish Maritime Museum
6 Gottries Road, Irvine KA12 8QE

Location: Irvine, Scotland, United Kingdom Type:

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