Elin Berge @ Northern Photographic Centre

Pressbild till utställningen Queejna av Elin Berge. “Aum and Jacqui” Ur serien Awakening (pågående), om en löst sammansatt nutida väckelserörelse bestående av kvinnor som tror på en återkomst av en gudomlig feminin kraft.Photo: Elin Berge/MOMENT/INSTITUTE
Elin Berge: Queejna
Opening and Artists inteview on Friday 8.10. 5pm
“The exhibition Queejna shows women with different backgrounds and opportunities in a number of photographic works by Elin Berge taken between 2004 – 2018. The women portrayed have in common that they are often seen as provoking to their surroundings or perceived as victims for social and/or religious norms in society. The photographs ask questions like: What is real love? What is male/female? Who is entitled to the female body?”
Northern Photographic Centre
Location: Finland, Oulu Type: Exhibition
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