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Next Level: Jonathas de Andrade Staging Resistance @ foam

Jogos Dirigidos (Directed Games), 2019. © Jonathas de Andrade

Next Level: Jonathas de Andrade Staging Resistance
14 January – 10 April 2022

“Since the autumn of 2015, Foam presents the exhibition series Next Level, with the support of Ammodo. The series is aimed at introducing a wider public to innovative art by relatively young artists who are making radical new use of the medium of photography. Foam has invited Jonathas de Andrade to create new work for the exhibition.

Jonathas de Andrade (Maceió, Brazil, 1982) combines fact and fiction in his body of work. He uses staged scenarios, which are created in collaboration, to tell layered stories. These stories are rooted in the territory and history of Brazil, particularly in the Nordeste (northeast region). The stories echo the voices of those less heard and are told through photography, video and installation. The underlying themes are often power relations, class and race. ”

Keizersgracht 609
1017 DS Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands Type:

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