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TODD WEBB IN AFRICA @ Minneapolis Institute of Art

© 2021 Todd Webb Archive
Todd Webb Untitled (44UN-8002-165) Togoland, (Togo) 1958. Attendant at Texaco station.

January 28, 2021 – June 13, 2021

“In 1958, photographer Todd Webb, best known for his remarkable images of the everyday life and architecture of New York and Paris, as well as photographs of the American West, was commissioned by the United Nations Office of Public Information to document the progress of industry and technology in what were then eight different African nations, either recently independent or on the cusp of gaining independence in the aftermath of World War II.

Over the course of four months, Webb traveled through Togo, Ghana, Sudan, Somalia, the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and Southern Rhodesia (which are now Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe), Tanganyika and Zanzibar (now merged as Tanzania), and Kenya. Outfitted with three cameras, he amassed approximately 2,000 images in that time, but only 22 of them were published by the U.N., in black & white, in a 7-page brochure. The remainder of the negatives were dispersed in the 1970s and only reunited with the Todd Webb Archive in 2017.”

Minneapolis Institute of Art, Harrison Photography Gallery

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States Type:

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