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A Site of Struggle: American Art against Anti-Black Violence @ The Block Museum of Art

© Darryl Cowherd

A Site of Struggle: American Art against Anti-Black Violence
January 26th – July 10th

Opening Programming: January 29th | 1 PM

” Images of African American suffering and death have constituted an enduring part of the nation’s cultural landscape, and the development of creative counterpoints to these images has been an ongoing concern for American artists. A Site of Struggle takes a new approach to looking at the intersection of race, violence, and art by investigating the varied strategies American artists have used to grapple with anti-Black violence, ranging from representation to abstraction and from literal to metaphorical. The exhibition focuses on works created between the 1890s and 2013—situating contemporary artistic practice within a longer history of American art and visual culture. It foregrounds African Americans as active shapers of visual culture and highlights how art has been used to protest, process, mourn, and memorialize anti-Black violence.”

The Block Museum of Art
40 Arts Circle Dr
Evanston, IL

Location: Evanston, Illinois Type:

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