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COME ALIVE @ Het Nieuwe Muntgebouw

Daddy (2021), Samantha Nye

3 June – 31 July

“Over 45 artists will share their perspective on how eroticism can pave the way for new values, letting the life force flow. The curators of COME ALIVE will collaborate with the Sexual Health Department of the GGD, which is committed to positively embracing sexuality and making it a key topic of discussion in education. During the exhibition, doctors and nurses will be available for public consultation hours and STD consultations. Together, COME ALIVE and GGD region Utrecht bring erotic pleasure and sexual health to center stage in a special way.”

Participating artists a.o.: AES + F, Alice Heron, Alix Marie, Angel Rose, Annie Sprinkle & Beth Stephens, Annika Kappner, Bas Kosters, Chang Gao, Company New Heroes, Danielle-Brathwaite Shirley, Eli Joteva, Ernesto Neto, Esher Arribas, Inge & Martin Riebeek, Jan Koen Lomans, Jesse Jones, Johan Grimonprez, Melanie Bonajo & SKINSHIP, Mette Sterre, Margriet van Breevoort, Naomi Rincon Gallardo, ORGIE, Oscar Peters, Pauline Curnier Jardin, Samantha Nye, The Army of Love, Yamuna Forzani, Zoï Tatopoulos en meer.

Het Nieuwe Muntgebouw
Utrecht (Muntkade 90)
the Netherlands

Location: Netherlands, Utrecht Type:

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