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DOUG AND MIKE STARN @ HackelBury Fine Art

SCP 2228b, 2021
Acrylic paint on Ultrachrome K3 Epson ink jets prints on gelatin hand-coated Zerkall

DOUG AND MIKE STARN: Can’t, Won’t, Don’t Stop
9th June – 6th August 2022

“The Starns have been working conceptually with photography for over 30 years and cross the boundaries into architecture, design, sculpture and performance. This series of work, begun in 2021, sees the Starns returning to some of the techniques which they pioneered in the 1980s when they explored the three dimensionality and physicality of photography and combining the more recent inclusion of painting. This body of work also continues the Starns’ fascination with the passage of time. They make visible aging process and deterioration of the material with which they work and examine how the meaning of what was created or conceptualised changes with time.”

HackelBury Fine Art, London

Location: England, London, United Kingdom Type:

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