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Karen Lue @ Silver Eye Center for Photography

Karen Lue, self-portrait in 爺爺奶奶’s bedroom, 2018.

Karen Lue: 安詳 (or, when I die I want to die peacefully)
May 5–Aug 6, 2022

“Karen Lue wanted to record her grandparents’ apartment and its contents before her family no longer owned it. In an attempt to process through her grandmother’s death, her relationship with her father, and her family history, the series 安詳 (or, when i die i want to die peacefully) relays how the apartment looked in its final days and document the artist and her family before and after visiting her grandparents’ tomb.”

Silver Eye Center for Photography
Pittsburgh Presents Gallery
4808 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15224

Location: Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh Type:

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