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NEW QUEER PHOTOGRAPHY @ freiraum für fotografie

From the series SEXugees.
© Bradley Secker.

NEW QUEER PHOTOGRAPHY:Focus on the Margins
25. June – 21. August 2022

With works by: Mohamad Abdouni, Michael Bailey-Gates, Maika Elan, Milan Gies, Julia Gunther, Robin Hammond, Claudia Kent, Clifford Prince King, Laurence Rasti, Bradley Secker, Shahria Sharmin, Melody Melamed, Laurence Philomene, Pauliana Valente Pimentel, Soraya Zaman

New Queer Photography is dedicated to all queer people who suffer for their way of life, fight for it, or simply celebrate it.

freiraum für fotografie
Waldemarstraße 17 | 10179 Berlin

Location: Berlin, Germany Type:

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