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Regina Hügli @ Reinthaler Gallery

Regina Hügli, Trees (Wurzelstock), 2022, photogram, framed, 73 x 93 cm, unique

Regina Hügli: Trees
11 . 03 to 22 04. 202 2

Opening : Thursday , March 10, 2022 , 7 p.m. , in the presence of the artist

“The photogram series “Trees” by Regina Hügli is dedicated to the phenomenon of branching, i.e. the way in which two twigs emerge from a branch by forking. The types of branching and budding are individually different and yet can be observed in all organic growth processes alike. Whether blood or nerve tracts, lichens, fungal rhizomes, corals – all life forms know branching processes. The rise and fall of the juices in the organic tissue, the shaping of the species and the external circumstances that affect the organism lead to the respective expression and design, which we then find in the form of forking and spontaneous budding.”

Reinthaler Gallery
Gumpendorfer Strasse 53
A-1060 Vienna

Location: Austria, Vienna Type:

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