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This Separated Isle @ Street Level Photoworks

Yassine Houmdi, Portobello © Alicia Bruce

This Separated Isle
12th March 2022 – 15th May 2022

OPENING RECEPTION – Saturday 12th March from 3 – 5pm.

Based on the Invisible Britain: This Separated Isle book, devised and curated by Paul Sng, it features a diverse range of fascinating photographic portraits of people from across the UK and their accompanying narrative stories. This timely exhibition examines the relationship between identity and nationhood, revealing not only what divides us, but also the ties that bind us together as a nation.

Featuring Adeola Adeko, Alecsandra Dragoi, Alicia Bruce, Amara Eno, Andy Aitchison, Arpita Shah, Chris Leslie, Christine Lalla, Ciara Leeming, Faraz Pourreza-Jorshari, Fiona Yaron-Field, Gina Lundy, Ilisa Stack, Inès Elsa Dalal, Jim Mortram, Jenny Lewis, Joanne Coates, Kat Dlugosz, Kate Nolan, Kirsty Mackay, Kris Askey, Lisa Wormsley, Maisie Marshall, Marc Davenant, Margaret Mitchell, Marie Smith, Mario W. Ihieme, Mark Parham, Nicola Muirhead, Rhys Baker, Robert Law, Roland Ramanan, Sally Low and Yan Wang Preston

Street Level Photoworks
Trongate 103
Glasgow G1 5HD

Location: Glasgow, Scotland Type:

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