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Vikesh Kapoor @ Filter Space

© Vikesh Kapoor

Vikesh Kapoor: See You at Home
February 18th – March 19th

Online Artist Talk: February 24th | 6 – 7 PM
Gallery Reception: March 4th | 6 – 9 PM CT *Masks & proof of vaccination required.*

See You at Home is a personal narrative that centers on family, memory, and the myth and melancholy surrounding the American Dream.

“See You at Home explores the dichotomy of home and homeland, freedom and isolation, collectivism and individualism, through images I make of my parents’ current life in America imbued with memories of their past.

Although this personal narrative began as an examination of diaspora, aging and the unique duties that fall to the only son of Asian immigrants, my hope is that See You at Home will resonate with other first-generation Americans and those interested in the myth of the American identity, seeking to find place and purpose here.” —Vikesh Kapoor

Filter Space
1821 W Hubbard St
Suite 207
Chicago, IL

Location: Chicago, Illinois Type: ,

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