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Whitney Hubbs and Patricia Voulgaris @ Silver Eye Center for Photography

image: Patricia Voulgaris

Whitney Hubbs and Patricia Voulgaris: Mouse Trap
Mar 3–Apr 23, 2022

Opening Reception and Artist Conversation
Thursday, March 3rd, 6pm

“Patricia Voulgaris and Whitney Hubbs use photography to lure viewers into spaces that consider ideas around entrapment and control. Patricia Voulgaris’ new work uses the narrative of a burning house, revealing her interest in the power dynamics of victim and savior, as well as the construction of fiction and truth. Whitney Hubbs’ self-portraiture draws upon performance, creating visceral large-scale portraits in which the human body’s limitations are tested. Both artists confront how women’s bodies are depicted and perceived through these experimental, playful, and risky photographs.”

image: Patricia Voulgaris

Silver Eye Center for Photography
4808 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15224

Location: Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh Type:

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