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Eli Craven @ Filter Space

© Eli Craven

Eli Craven: I Don’t Want to Fall In Love Again
October 13th – November 18th

Gallery Reception: October 13th | 6 – 9 PM

“This exhibition presents recent works that have been transformed through sculptural, digital, and darkroom manipulation. Through his work, Craven uses both found and original imagery to investigate the image’s relationship to the body, sexuality, desire, and death. The artist is particularly drawn to what he describes as “the ubiquitous and mundane photography in self-help books, instructional guides, and family portraiture, which, upon close inspection, allude to a range of human fears and emotions.”

Through methods of isolation and fragmentation, the figures are contorted and transformed, presenting them as both signifier and object. The renewed compositions re-frame the original, altering their physical and psychological potential. Entire scenes are rendered incomplete without the viewer’s imagination filling the gaps and visualizing what lies beneath the surface of the photograph, or behind the veil.”

Filter Space
1821 W Hubbard St
Suite 207
Chicago, IL

Location: Chicago, Illinois Type:

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