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Gail Thacker @ Candice Madey

Gail Thacker’s Midnight Call
October 24–December 9, 2023

Opening: Tuesday, October 24, 6 to 8pm

“Thacker’s work features a community of artists, performers, friends and lovers who have congregated in downtown New York since the 1980s, specifically around the Gene Frankel Theatre on Bond Street. Thacker began as Frankel’s assistant, an experience she describes as life-altering, and since Frankel’s death in 2005, she has continued as the theater’s artistic director and producer, advancing its seventy-four-year history of championing civil rights and progressive thinking. The theater–along with other spaces Thacker occupies with her friends, such as the Dyke March, a rural farm in Oregon, and the streets of New York City–provide the backdrop for a powerful exploration of storytelling and self-agency in her work.”

Candice Madey
1 Freeman Alley
New York, NY 10002

Location: New York, New York City Type:

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