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Jan Tichy @ Fridman Gallery

Jan Tichy, Installation no. 27 (Long Lines), 2016, Photogravure of site-specific installation at Fridman Gallery

Jan Tichy: Infra Structures
January 11 – February 18, 2023

Opening Reception: Wednesday, January 11, 6–8 pm

“Over the last two decades, Tichy has created over 40 projection installations which have been exhibited around the world. The installations deal with the encounter between the artist’s formal visual language and the context in which it is created. Tichy uses light to examine the way in which architectural structures, infrastructure and the public space are mandated by social, economic, political or national agents of power, and how they affect the fabric of society.

Tichy has coined the concept of ‘social formalism’ to describe his work. The Installations series continues his investigation and experiments with light as material. The series consists of 40 photo etchings (around half of which are on display in the exhibition), one print per installation. Tichy sought to move from the photographic medium to engraving and printing in order to rediscover light – this time outside of space – and to reveal a new range of shades and qualities of concentration and dispersion. Appropriately, Installations is having its U.S. debut at Fridman Gallery, which exhibited five of the installations over the last decade.”

Fridman Gallery
169 Bowery | New York City

Location: New York, New York City Type: ,

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