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Julia Peirone @ Dorothée Nilsson Gallery

Julia Peirone, Sugar K, 2022, pigment print, 50 x 50 cm

Julia Peirone: Make Up and Smile
March 4 – April 30, 2023

Opening: March 3, 6 – 9 pm

“Julia Peirone explores issues of identity and the construction of gender in her photographic and video work. Her visual world is populated by teenage girls and young women still forming their identities. The modern-day visual culture favors self-glorification and an obsession with abstract and hard-to-obtain ideals of beauty. Peirone explores and captures her protagonists’ search for themselves and their sexuality while confronted by feelings of shame and vulnerability. Frustration plays a part too, as their annoyance at the societal standards and beauty ideals that are being imprinted on them and exaggerated in the photoshoots.”

Dorothée Nilsson Gallery
Potsdamer Strasse 65
10785 Berlin

Location: Berlin, Germany Type:

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