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Lisa Röing Baer, Moyra Davey, & Anna R. Winder @ Dorothée Nilsson Gallery

Lisa Röing Baer, Untitled, 2023, detail

Lisa Röing Baer, Moyra Davey, and Anna R. Winder: good news!
July 14 – September 1, 2023

opening: Thursday, July 13, 6 – 9 pm

“The exhibition is the result of our invitation to Lisa Röing Baer to show with the gallery over the summer. She in turn extended an invitation to Anna R. Winder, who she met while studying at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. Together, these two young artists approached Moyra Davey. Davey inspired them with her focus on the quiet, overlooked details of daily life, the detritus such as whisky bottles, stacks of vinyl records, or a lonely doll shoe. Röing Baer and Winder will present new work reflecting on, and experimenting with this pairing. ”

Dorothée Nilsson Gallery
Potsdamer Strasse 65
10785 Berlin

Location: Berlin, Germany Type:

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