Mendia Echeverría @ Camera Obscura Art Gallery
Mendia Echeverría “Museum”
May 27 – July 22, 2023
Opening: Saturday 27 from 12:00 to 14:30
” The Muséum project consists of a series of photographs that document the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, which is constituted as an architectural space to preserve memories. This project aims to build a file in visual atlas format that reveals how memory is a transversal component. The general objective of the project is to investigate the role of the museum in the 21st century beyond being a space that only houses memories. As specific objectives, the sense of the museum as a learning space and the trace in the memory that it can leave us are considered.”
Camera Obscura Art Gallery
T./F. 91 429 17 34
c/ Alameda, 16 , 1º B
28014 Madrid
Location: Madrid, Spain Type: Exhibition
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