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Naomi Ben-Shahar @ Baxter St at the Camera Club of New York

Naomi Ben-Shahar: Femina Luminous
April 29th, 2023 – June 24th, 2023

Opening Reception: Saturday April 29th, 12 PM – 2 PM

“Femina Luminous, a solo exhibition of photo constructions and collages featuring handmade weavings, large format photographs, and paintings by Naomi Ben-Shahar, one of Baxter St’s 2023 Mid-Career Initiative artists. Baxter St’s Mid-career, Lens-based Artists Initiative supports artists residing in New York City who have worked in photography or other lens-based mediums for an extended period to provide them with the space, administrative support, and production funds to produce a solo-exhibition and supplementary public programming. Through her multidisciplinary practice, Ben-Shahar seeks to complicate the uniformity and flatness associated with the consumption of photography in our image-saturated era, and create eco-feminist, tactile and sustainable interactions. ”

Baxter St at the Camera Club of New York
126 Baxter Street · New York, NY 10013

Location: New York City Type:

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