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Thierry De Cordier

Thierry De Cordier: Passe-montagne
​8 September — 14 October 2023

“De Cordier might best be described as a non-academic thinker who makes things. His oeuvre includes, but is not limited to, photographs, drawings, placards, paintings, sculptures, assemblages and bricolage. These ‘objects’ and ‘non-objects’, as he calls them, can be viewed as representations of his thinking. They visualize his ideas and, as such, are illustrative of them. Simply put, his oeuvre is a philosophy expressed in images. De Cordier’s worldview leans heavily towards Albert Camus’ concept of Absurdism, which describes the futility of searching for significance in an incomprehensible universe, devoid of either God or meaning. In other words, people merely exist. Or, as De Cordier says: ‘Inutile, l’homme est là à être là inutilement…’ [Useless, man is there just being there uselessly…].”

​Xavier Hufkens
​6 Rue St-Georges
​1050 Brussels

Location: Belgium, Brussels Type:

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