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Visualising Climate Crisis @ Vajanského Nábrežie

© Benedicte Kurzen / NOOR

Visualising Climate Crisis – Central Europe
15 June – 30 July, 2023

Opening 18:00 CET on Thursday, 15 June, 2023

featuring works by:
Jana Hunterová, Tomek Stabinski, Diana Takacsova, Zsolt Balázs,
Rafal Siderski, András Zoltai, Judit Ruprech, Tomáš Hrivňák,
Kinga Wrona, Tomas Predajna, Márton Kállai

“The climate crisis is the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced. A delicate balance has been tipped over, unleashing a series of chain consequences the scale of which we are yet to grasp. As we witness the intensification of the crisis, we must come to terms with the fact that the complexity of the matter underscores a very simple fact: change is the only way forward. Acceptance, adaptation and mitigation are our only chances to thrive in an uncertain future. Visual storytellers hold the potential to make a critical difference in our understanding of the climate crisis, functioning as a bridge between complex science, political strategies, economic interests and citizens.

Guided by award-winning visual storytellers Kadir van Lohuizen (The Netherlands) and Esther Horvath (Hungary) the eleven authors from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia worked on stories close to home for the five month duration of the educational programme. ”

Vajanského Nábrežie
Bratislava, Slovakia

Location: Bratislava, Slovakia Type:

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