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Alone Together @ CPAC

“Ewan: Husband, Father, Provider, Carer, Support” ©Lisa Murray

Alone Together: Critical Mass 2023 Top 50
February 23 – April 13, 2024

Opening Reception: Saturday, February 24, 5 – 8 p.m.

Curated by Daniel Boetker-Smith, Director of the Australian Centre for Contemporary Photography, Alone Together features outstanding works by 50 artists from 10 countries.

While subjects and styles vary, the common thread is “alone-ness” – not to be confused with loneliness, says Boetker-Smith. “For most photographers, the act of making an image, the moment itself, is one of ‘happy solitude’ (to borrow from Raymond Depardon). Photography gives us the opportunity to embrace alone-ness, in that moment a split second of silence, a decision, an intake of breath and the release of the shutter. Simultaneously photographs always exist in a state of flux…The photographer, the subject, and the photograph itself are all alone together or somewhere in-between.”

1200 Lincoln Street, Suite 111, Denver, CO 80203

Location: Colorado, Denver Type:

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