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Bill Armstrong @ HackelBury Fine Art

Film Noir #1433, 2012 © Bill Armstrong (courtesy of HackelBury Fine Art, London)

Bill Armstrong: Light Form
4 October – 9 November 2024

“HackelBury is pleased to present Light Form, a solo exhibition by Bill Armstrong which explores visual perception and the transformative power of image making to create meditative photographic artworks.

Renowned for his iconic Infinity series, Armstrong intentionally blurs photographs by adjusting the camera’s focusing ring to infinity, creating ethereal and dreamlike images. Light Form further explores his fascination with impermanence and abstraction, pushing the boundaries of his medium to create otherworldly compositions which encourage viewers to contemplate their own reality.”

HackelBury Fine Art, London
4 Launceston Place, London W8 5RL

Location: England, London Type:

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