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Dartmoor: A Radical Landscape @ Royal Albert Memorial Museum and Art Gallery

Left: Nancy Holt, Wistman’s Wood [detail] (1969), Right: David Spero, ‘The Longhouse’, communal space and workshop (view from old kitchen path), June 2004

Dartmoor: A Radical Landscape
19 October 2024 to 23 February 2025

“Revealing artists’ obsessions, dreams, imagination, and preoccupations with its landscape, ‘Dartmoor: A Radical Landscape’ opens in Autumn 2024 at RAMM in Exeter. Showing many previously unseen works, this exhibition shares the ways artists have been drawn to Dartmoor and used photography, film and Land Art to explore radical or alternative approaches to living and making art. Dartmoor: A Radical Landscape is presented by the Royal Albert Memorial Museum & Art Gallery (RAMM).”

Royal Albert Memorial Museum and Art Gallery Exeter

Location: England, Exeter, United Kingdom Type:

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