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© Anna Gajewszky, from the series Mother Don’t You Cry, 2021 – 2024

9 October 2024 –

“The group exhibition of the 12th edition of the Photon International Photography Competition is presenting the works of the selected ten finalists. The competition was open to young artists (up to 35 years of age) active in contemporary photography from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Through the competition, Photon encourages original photography that demonstrates originality and innovation in both formal approaches and in choosing themes and concepts. The competition does not have a prescribed theme, but the final selection often includes works within a wide range of photographic and photography-related practices. Through a group exhibition, we present the latest production in contemporary photography from this part of Europe.”

Galerija Photon
Center za sodobno fotografijo
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia Type:

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