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Luigi Ghirri @ Polka Galerie

Luigi Ghirri: Roman Castles
September 13 to October 26

Roman Castles, “a selection of 50 prints taken from a set of vintage period prints in 20x30cm and 30x40cm format — most of them unpublished — made by Luigi Ghirri , on the sidelines of the publication of the book “I Castelli Romani” in 1982.

In 1982, the art editions of the Rondanini Gallery in Rome published, with the support of the Lazio region, the book “I Castelli Romani, Ricerca Fotografica” — this volcanic region located 20km south of Rome between the city and the Tyrrhenian Sea. There, on these hills of the Alban Hills majestically overlooking the ancient heart of the Empire, several families of the Roman aristocracy came to settle in the Middle Ages, fleeing the anarchy that reigned in the city at the time. Thirteen villages were transformed into strongholds and summer palaces, before becoming municipalities of the region: Albano, Ariccia, Castel Gandolfo, Colonna, Frascati, Genzano, Grottaferrata Marino, Monte Compatri, Monte Porzio Catone, Nemi, Rocca di Papa, Rocca Priora.

At the dawn of the 1980s, six photographers were mobilized to capture in images the particular DNA of this place that had remained sheltered from the world for a time, with an emphasis on the study of the landscape and social anthropology: Joan Fontcuberta, Franco Fontana, Neal Slavin, Vincenzo Castella, Edouard Boubat and Luigi Ghirri.”

Polka Galerie — 12, rue Saint-Gilles, Paris IIIe

Location: France, Paris Type:

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