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Sa Schloff @ Oliva Gallery

© Sa Schloff

Sa Schloff: Filtered Through Time
September 6th – October 5th

Opening Reception: September 6th | 5 – 9 PM

“Filtered Through Time, a solo exhibition of work by Sa Schloff. A misplaced mural whose integrity has been compromised by a poorly located radiator, pipe, door, and inauspiciously, a small piece of electrical tape and chewed gum stuck to the wall. These images are lonely, melancholic, and hopeful at the same time. The blurred memories of schoolrooms and hallways once animated by classmates, teachers, and the daily junior soap opera of primary school life are crisp, recognizable and familiar. Yet the photographs do not catalogue or describe these places; rather, they quietly circle around them, and offer small glimpses back to those school day settings, recalling their character and an ambiance filtered through time.”

Oliva Gallery
1711 W Chicago Ave
Chicago, IL

Location: Chicago, Illinois Type:

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