Author Archive: Hans Durrer

Book Review: Finding Home by Becky Field
Photographer Becky Field photographed and interviewed many of New Hampshire’s immigrants and refugees. She interviewed forty people, from different countries, with different stories. Some are men, some women, they differ in age and why they left their home countries, and how come they settled in New Hampshire. “The photographs were usually taken in a home
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Location: Online Type: Book Review, Portraits

BOOK REVIEW: Vals by Nejma Kachaou
First things first: I like the pictures in this work. They are compositions of shapes and colours. As far as I’m concerned, they could have been taken anywhere … but weren’t. There is no information about the photographer to be found in this book and only a rather brief introduction by Laureline Mattiussi (in French,
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Location: Online Type: Book Review, Landscapes

Book Review: Campesino Cuba by Richard Sharum
These black and white photographs radiate something extremely powerful. The scenes they depict appear archaic. How come? It’s what black and white photographs tend to do, I suppose, for they weren’t taken in ancient times but in today’s world. It’s as though some mystical, time-less aura emanates from these images. These photographs document scenes from
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Location: Online Type: Black and White, Book Review

BOOK REVIEW: The Bonds We Share by Dr. Glenn Losack
Glenn Losack most definitely has the good eye that makes a photographer a photographer. No idea, how many shots he needed to come up with these pics but the ones he selected for this book are truly outstanding. I for one was most intrigued by how many of the portrayed looked straight into the camera,
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Location: Online Type: Book Review

BOOK REVIEW: What She Said by Deanna Templeton
When I first glanced through this book, I thought, well, I guess this is not for me. These youngsters live in a world that is surely totally foreign and very likely incomprehensible to me, a retired man living in Switzerland. Yet for reasons unbeknownst to me, I again and again turned to the pictures that
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Location: Online Type: Book Review, Portraits

BOOK REVIEW: Mulholland by Karen Halverson
For reasons I’m not really sure of, Mulholland triggers feelings of longing in me. I guess it’s to do with the Raymond Chandler mysteries that I read in my youth and that I associate with this winding stretch of road that follows the ridgeline of the Hollywood Hills. “I fell in love with Mulholland Drive
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Location: Online Type: Book Review, Landscapes

Book Review: Night on Earth by Art Wolfe
“Every night, an unseen buzz of activity takes place all around the globe,” I read on the blurb of this formidable work. This reminds me of a talk given 14 years ago in Southern California by a biologist who informed the listeners about the dangers of artificial light during nighttime. I specifically remember being stunned
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Location: Online Type: Book Review, Landscapes, Night

Book Review: Águas de Ouro by Sandra Cattaneo Adorno
“Synonymous with paradise and glamour, Ipanema was once an exclusive provenance of the wealthy elite, where songs of love and splendor were written to the tall, tan, young, and lovely girls passing along the waterfront. Today, all that has changed and Ipanema now welcomes Brazilians from all walks of life to partake in the pleasures
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Location: Online Type: Book Review

Book Review: Cuba by Manuel Rivera-Ortiz
What a superb cover! was my first reaction to this tome. The two other pics (the one on the cover can also be found in the book) that you see here were not selected by me but by the publisher. The car is a perfect example of a picture that I would never choose for
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Location: Online Type: Black and White, Book Review

Book Review: MAGNUM 2020 by Magnum Photographers
“Was it (2020) the end of something? The start of something else? Or merely a blip in an increasingly chaotic and fast-changing world?” asks Magnum President Olivia Arthur in her foreword. “The jury is still out,” the press release says. “But this book commits the year to paper and offers a means for us to
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Location: Online Type: Book Review, Documentary
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