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Author Archive: Carl Corey

About Carl Corey

Carl Corey is the author of three books: “Rancher” - Bunker Hill 2007, “Tavern League” - WHS Press 2011 and “For Love and Money” - WHS Press 2014. He is the recipient of over 100 awards from the photographic and publishing communities including the Crystal Book Award for Best Photography Book 2012, National Best Sellers Award 2012, INDIE Publishers Award of Excellence 2014, Pub West Gold 2012 and Foreward Top Ten. He presents group seminars and teaches one on one workshops. For more www.carlcorey.com

On Making and Publishing a Book, For Photographers – Part 2: Working with a publisher

WORKING WITH A PUBLISHER The advantages of working with a publisher are many. The most important benefit you gain by working with a publisher is credibility. Additional advantages of working with a publisher are less or no financial risk, distribution and warehousing services ( you don’t want a garage full of 5000 books and be
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On Making and Publishing a Book, For Photographers – Part 1

PASSION, PURPOSE and PERSEVERANCE “Passion and Purpose” – The credo put forth by Robert Frank as the necessary ingredients to creating successful and meaningful photography. In any endeavor it would be impossible to attain true success without Passion and Purpose. I would add to that another, “Perseverance”. Many photographers exhibit either passion, purpose or perseverance but
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