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Author Archive: Michael Ernest Sweet

About Michael Ernest Sweet

Michael Ernest Sweet is a Canadian photographer, writer, and art critic. He is the author of The Human Fragment and Michael Sweet's Coney Island. Michael has written about photography for over a decade for publications such as the HuffPost, FStoppers, StreetPhotography.com, as well as print-based magazines like Photo Life and Digital Camera. He is the recipient of a Queen's Medal for significant contributions to the arts and education in Canada.

Book Review: A Photographer and a Writer: A Review of Allan Sekula’s Art Isn’t Fair

Photography lacks a tradition of serious writing. This is most evident in contemporary photography, where we have a mountain of photographs and virtually nothing serious written about them. What writing we can find most often is nonsense written by people with little to zero knowledge of art history, theory, or criticism. That is, what we
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Book Review: Punk, Post Punk, New Wave by Michael Grecco

Michael Grecco grew up in the Boston area during the era of punk and new wave music. In fact, Boston was a center, if not the epicenter, of these movements. But in the 70s and 80s, when Grecco was shooting most of these images, a lot of the people featured in his book were from
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Book Review: Night Calls by Rebecca Norris Webb

Night Calls, Rebecca Norris Webb’s third full-length monograph, is a bit more complex than a simple collection of photography. The book is photography, family history, and Webb’s own personal story all wrapped up into one. In essence, it is her journey back to her home, Rush County, Indiana, to reunite with both the people and
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Location: New York, Online, United States Type:

Book Review: Linda Simpson’s The Drag Explosion

As famed drag queen Lady Bunny says in her foreword, “It was an era that took place entirely after dark.” These days our drag queens are very much out in the light of day. They star in prime-time television shows, where they find their way into even the most modest of American homes. Without minimizing
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Book cover

Book Review: New Yorkers by Sally Davies

New Yorkers, is the first monograph from Sally Davies, despite her multi-decade career in the arts. A painter for many years, it was not until somewhat more recently that Davies took to the camera in a serious way. Thankfully, she did, as her photography is brilliantly unique. For much of her photography career, Davies has
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