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Author Archive: Walter Borghisani

About Walter Borghisani


Trieste Photo Days 2020

  Italy is a country that has a unique artistic tradition and a photographic tradition perhaps not at the same level as some European countries but, nevertheless, interesting and rapidly growing in terms of quality and public. Trieste is an Italian city that has a unique architecture and history involving Latin, Greek, Germanic, Jewish and
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Book Review: Crown Ditch & The Prairie Castle by Kyler Zeleny

“Some use empty or banal to describe the prairies, I use the term sublimely banal. The writer and prairie son Wallace Stegner once called the emptiness of space on the prairies “almost frighteningly total.” The place I grew up could be argued to be the last ‘proving ground’ of colonial settlement, as such, it is
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Book Review: American Psyche: The Unlit Cave by George Elsasser

America Walt Whitman, 1819 – 1892 Centre of equal daughters, equal sons, All, all alike endear’d, grown, ungrown, young or old, Strong, ample, fair, enduring, capable, rich, Perennial with the Earth, with Freedom, Law and Love, A grand, sane, towering, seated Mother, Chair’d in the adamant of Time. American Psyche: The Unlit Cave is a
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Book Review: Reconciliation by S. Billie Mandle

Appearances can be deceiving at times. Often. S. Billie Mandle’s book, speaking of faith, confirms this. But I do not want to deceive you and deceive me on the grounds of a single creed, which would make this work too partial: the faith I am talking about is anthropological; it is a condition that we
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Book Review: Project Cleansweep by Dara Mcgrath

Dara Mcgrath, an Irish photographer interested in the transitional lives of spaces (those places where a relationship is created between architecture, history, landscape, built environment; and a dialogue of absence rather than presence), took more than 8 years to bring to end this project. At the end of 2011 McGrath, through a newspaper article, discovered
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