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Author Archive: Yvette Meltzer

About Yvette Meltzer

Yvette Meltzer applies creative responses to her photography and her work as a family mediator and workshop facilitator. She is interested in sharing life stories through words and images. Website: www.yvettemeltzer.com

Interview with photographer Leasha Overturf

Yvette Meltzer: Leasha, how did you first become involved in photography? Leasha Overturf:  My mom had an SLR camera and multiple lenses that intrigued me. Of course she was hard pressed to let me ever use it. I loved looking at magazines and daydreaming about traveling with my own camera. I grew up in Bluford,
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Interview with photographer Justin Quinnell

If you are looking for a gift idea for youngsters, photographer Justin Quinnell has one for you.  An expert on pinhole cameras, Justin’s enthusiasm is quite contagious.  Interviewing him was a pleasure as he is both knowledgeable about pinhole photography and he has a delightful sense of humor that comes through in his responses. Yvette
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Interview with photographer Christine DiThomas

Yvette Meltzer: Christine, tell us please how you first become involved in photography Christine DiThomas: I became involved with photography as a child just by being aware and looking intensely at the world. Growing up during the heyday of news magazines and Time-Life publications, I saw a flood of images from the turbulent 1960s and
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Interview with photographer Heidi Lender

Yvette Meltzer: Heidi, can you tell us a little about your background as a photographer. How did you first become involved in photography and what led to you working in this medium as an artist? Heidi Lender:  I worked in fashion publishing for a long time as a features writer, editor and stylist. Because I
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Interview with photographer Russ Rowland

Yvette Meltzer: How did you first become involved in photography and what led to you working in this medium as an artist? Russ Rowland: It happened very slowly and very late in my life. I worked in PR and one of my accounts was a camera company. They gave me a little digital camera and
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