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Location Archive: Vienna


MARKUS GUSCHELBAUER: MONTOLOGY The exhibition runs until: 19. September 2020 Opening on Thursday, August 20 at 7 pm “The Alpine landscape – which appears to bravely and staunchly defy the encroachment of civilization, but is actually a fragile ecosystem that is threatened and endangered in many respects – is the backdrop of Markus Guschelbauer’s photographic
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Location: Austria, Vienna Type:

GERHARD TRUMLER @ AnzenbergerGallery

GERHARD TRUMLER: THE LAND BEFORE WINTER September 9 to October 30, 2020 Opening: September 4, 2020 – Long Friday from 12 to 9 pm “Trumler spent his early youth in the Waldviertel and the photographic documentation of rural culture has always been a theme in his photographic work. In this series, the essence of his
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Location: Austria, Vienna Type:

MAGICAL – Art for the Children’s Room @ AnzenbergerGallery

MAGICAL – Art for the Children’s Room 19 February to 30 April 2020 Opening: 7 March 2020 from 2 to 6PM Artists: Tami Bone, Gilbert Garcin, Thomas Herbrich, Kacper Kowalski, Klaus Pichler, Petra Rautenstrauch, Reiner Riedler, Ferdinand Schmutzer, Helfried Valenta, Julia Wesely, Regina Anzenberger, Toni Anzenberger, and many more. “When children are asked what kinds
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Location: Austria, Vienna Type:

Zuzana Pustaiova @ Photon Gallery

Zuzana Pustaiova: FAMILY ALBUM until 4. 12. 2019 “The series Family Album is based on the artist’s family archive. Pustaiová selects photographs from the archive and amends them with handcrafted artefacts of the past and the present – lace, colour stickers, matches, feathers, millimetre paper- with a sense of irony. The deliberately decorative character of
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Location: Austria, Vienna Type:

MICHAEL HOROWITZ @ Anzenberger Gallery

MICHAEL HOROWITZ: KIKI KOGELNIK 1969 NEW YORK AND OTHER PORTRAITS September 6 to October 31, 2019 Opening: September 5, 2019 at 7 pm “50 years ago, the young photographer Michael Horowitz visited the rising pop art icon Kiki Kogelnik in New York. Originally from Bleiburg, a village in the Jauntal valley of Carinthia with a
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Location: Austria, Vienna Type:

GABRIELA MORAWETZ @ AnzenbergerGallery

GABRIELA MORAWETZ: UNWAEGBARKEITEN / IMPONDERABLES February 20, 2019 until April 30, 2019 Opening: Saturday, February 16, 2019 at 2 pm “The best of reproductions cannot easily restitute the fullness of the works of Gabriela Morawetz, whose “volume”, even though these are photographic images, has more in common with three-dimensional, moving objects. These are complex works,
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Location: Austria, Vienna Type:

HANDMADE IV @ AnzenbergerGallery

HANDMADE IV September 10, 2018 until January 31, 2019 Opening: Saturday, September 8, 2018 at 2 pm Artists: Daniel Spoerri, Gabriela Morawetz, Ellen Korth, Regina Anzenberger, Stella Bach, Julia Borissova, Rob McDonald, Jessa Fairbrother, Rita Maas, Minyo Szert, Heather F. Wetzel. “Our fourth edition of the exhibition Handmade is dedicated to works that combine photography
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Location: Austria, Vienna Type:

GERLINDE Miesenböck @ Gallery Reinthaler

GERLINDE Miesenböck: capita 19.9. to 3.11 .2018 Opening: Tuesday 18.9. 2018, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., in the presence of the artist “Gerlinde Miesenböck, received numerous awards and residencies type will show in early autumn 2018 her fourth solo exhibition at the gallery Reinthaler. “Capita” ( “heads”) deals with the contemporary images issue in digital
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Location: Austria, Vienna Type:

OCTAGON @ AnzenbergerGallery

OCTAGON June 18 – August 4, 2018 Opening: June 16, 2018 at 7 pm Artists: Rui Pedro Chagas, Katharina Fröschl-Roßboth, Andreas Fuchs-Martschitz, Martha Jarolim, Ana Koder, Gerhard Kowald, Agnese Morganti, Maria Noisternig “OCTAGON. Eight. The 8-sided figure. Used for the first time in architecture for the “Tower of the Winds“ in Athens, exemplifying eight winds.
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Location: Austria, Vienna Type:

BRANKO LENART @ Photon Gallery Vienna

BRANKO LENART:BIG SUR REAL 7 October to 25 November 2017 “Since his youth, Branko Lenart has travelled widely across the world. He is often “on the road,” so to speak; and apparently he is most attracted to the southern hemisphere. He has always combined travelling with his other passion, which became his career – photography.”
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Location: Austria, Vienna Type:

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